Healthy Breakfast Idea

Fun fact about me, breakfast is one of my FAVORITE meals of the day.

If I have a strong breakfast, I not only feel better all day (emotionally and physically) but I also tend to eat healthier throughout the day. It’s like starting on the right foot, waking up on the right side of the bed, etc etc.

So, here is one of my FAVORITE quick and easy healthy breakfast ideas that is full of protein and healthy nutrients. ✨

Banana, blueberry, protein pancakes (makes 2):

  • Start heating up a large skillet - medium heat

  • In a bowl, mash up 1 banana

  • Once mashed, mix in 1 egg, 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (or unflavored) - I use THIS PROTEIN, a dash of cinnamon, and a handful of FRESH blueberries (not frozen).

  • Toss some organic butter on the warm and pour the batter on the skillet (makes 1-3 cakes depending on how big you like them!)

  • Cook for a few minutes on each side until golden brown and no longer gooey in the center


  • when ready put on a clean plate

  • I also like to cook turkey bacon as a side (2 slices) & have a bowl of fresh strawberries or raspberries (any other berry than blueberries since those are already in the pancakes)

  • enjoy with some coffee!

All in all this process takes me about 20 minutes to cook and about 10 minutes to eat! Great for an easy morning or if you get up with enough time to make something quick!


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